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Getting to Know Our Town in a Whole New Way

Fellow Gig Harborites, we live in such an amazing town!

This is something I have known since my husband and I moved here in 2009. But as support for the Swim Safe Gig Harbor campaign has taken off and we have been "diving deeper", so to speak, into learning more about our community, I can say that I am so proud to live where we do and to call Gig Harbor "home".

Getting our petition ready to present to the PenMet Board on 9/7/21

Since school started in September for our kids, Sarah and I have been balancing all the schedules: school, soccer, child care, and everything that comes with being a mom. In between grocery shopping and waiting in the pick up lines at school, we've been calling, emailing, networking, and rallying EVERYONE we possibly can for support for building an aquatic center here in town.

We've been reaching out to many local leaders: city council, pierce county council, state leaders, our current and incoming mayors, and more. On Friday, September 10th, I had the privilege of presenting to the Gig Harbor Rotary Club. What a wonderful, welcoming group with a deep passion to make a difference!!

We've written to our local Firefighters Union, Local 3390, who all unanimously voted to verbally support our campaign (wow!!). We've been researching other Western Washington aquatic centers - how did THEY build their facilities?

We also had a chance to grab coffee with Olympic Gold Medalist Amanda Beard, and hear what she feels the aquatic needs of Gig Harbor are. Amanda and the Beard Swim Co. professional swim school do so much for Gig Harbor families to teach kids how to swim, (my own family can attest to this!). It was such a hopeful time together dreaming about what kinds of high quality swim teams could be formed with having an aquatic center right here in town.

On September 7th, the PenMet Board made a movement to explore doing a feasibility study for a public aquatic facility on one of their properties. Sarah and I JUMPED for joy!!! (Literally, I think I actually did jump in the parking lot after we left the meeting lol). The feasibility study has been added to the 2022 budget, and if the budget is approved in November, then the study is a "go". They will check out the Peninsula Gardens property first, but will wisely also look at all of their other properties to see where would really work best for this kind of facility.

Before the past few months happened, I had never written to my local representatives, city council, parks district, or firefighters. I didn't really know about the inner workings of our city, or about how many amazing organizations contribute to improving our community. How many times have I taken my kids to play at Sehmel park and walked past the sign with all the names of the people who made that playground happen?? NOW I pay attention. NOW I notice the names of the people and organizations who have helped. My family and I have lived in Gig Harbor for 12 years, but never have I felt so PART of it.

Sarah and I are continuing to rally our community, and we will keep you updated as the Swim Safe Gig Harbor campaign progresses. It is such an amazing feeling to say "This is MY town, OUR town, and we can achieve this aquatic dream TOGETHER."

p.s. - We also won "Judge's Choice" at the Scarecrow contest for our entry of our dear friend, Mr. Ben Wishnforapool!!! Woo hoo!!!

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